Science Resources

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”
Albert Einstein

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Science Resources

I have loved science since I was a small child, so it was only natural that I majored in biology when I went to college. Most of the resources you’ll find here are the results of class notes, or of my teaching and tutoring experiences.

Be sure to visit my science blog when you get a chance.

I also have a gallery of science education photographs available on my photo gallery.

Items with a red check mark () are new in the last 90 days. Items with a blue chevron () have been updated in the last 90 days.


These items are useful in all areas of science.

  • SI Units — v. 1.0, September 2015
    A two-page handout that covers the seven base units and 21 derived units.
  • Greek Alphabet — v. 1.0, September 2015
    The entire Greek alphabet on a one-page handout.



Resources coming soon.


I also have a gallery of plant photographs (sorted by scientific name) available on my photo gallery, along with a gallery of photographic illustrations of botanical terms.

  • Common Names of Plant Families
    An annoying habit of many plant and wildflower guides is that while they list scientific names for plants, they use common names for plant families. This list rememdies that dilemma.


Chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, and reactions of the chemical elements and the compounds they form.

  • Simple Periodic Table — v. 1.0
    This is a simple one-page periodic table that includes atomic names, symbols, numbers, and weights.
  • Simple Periodic Table — with notes, v. 1.0
    This is the same as above, but also includes notes on the history of the periodic table, notes on the periods and groups, a comparison of the old and new group numbering systems, and notes on the origins, properties, and uses of each element.
  • Periodic Table with Electron Configuration and Electronegativity Values — v. 1.0
    This is a one-page periodic table that includes everything on the "Simple Periodic Table" along with the electron configuration and electronegativity values for each element. (Note: This table includes small text. It should be used online or printed on a laser printer for best results.)



Resources coming soon.


Physics is the study of matter and energy and how they interact. More so than any other field of science, mathematics is the language of physics, so a strong background in mathematics underpins a solid understanding of physics principles. I have seen many high school students do poorly in physics not because they couldn't do the math, but because they didn’t understand what the math was telling them.

At the college level, you generally have a choice between algebra-based introductory physics courses, or calculus-based intro courses. If you are a science or math major, I highly recommend that you take the calculus-based courses. If you understand the math, you will understand the science better, and it will put you in a better position for later opportunities.

How to Cite this Page:

  • Odle, Kenneth John. "Science Resources." 30 June 2016. Web. 28 March 2025. <>